Saturday, March 30, 2013

a moment of zen

do you know the difference between

involvement   and  being commited?

think of it this way:

did you eat eggs and sausage for breakfast?

the chicken is involved

the pig is commited....

Saturday, March 23, 2013


i can smell the burning of the ash...

i can hear the sound of ball on glove....

every new season is like falling in love.

2013 world series?

tigers vs. nationals

(1st in peace, 1st in war- washington will finally not be last in the league)

The braves, philles,cardinals, dodgers, reds and giants will compete

So will the blue jays, angels , rangers, and white sox


not so much.

the yankees?

they should be renamed the new york geriatrics.

"where do they play their home games?"

at the Home!

1965   1965!!!!

PS: i will still watch with "anticipation"

baseball junkie

sam i am...

PS: i am ready for "spring"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Toil & Strife

Women marry down in live  not because of station

but because the worst of them are better than the best of men

(billy shakes}

Sunday, March 10, 2013

David Bowie - Conversation Piece - 1969

just saying "hello"


more words shall follow



random thoughts

yesterday-i thought about tomorrow and forgot about the day before

i think i shall forever remain in this state of ever-becoming

(a moment of zen)

Hamster on a wheel

is often how i feel

sometimes i stop to take some water

and (at least) once a day

i bury myself in news clippings

got to go

eat some pellets...


shine on my brethren

PS: looking for white smoke

please oh please

how about Fr. Guido Sarducci ?

Friday, March 8, 2013



i am fascinated with numbers.

batting average



etc. etc.

we are born to a #

(when did the # sign become "hash tag"? yet i regress (i mean digress)

1st born  second born

etc. etc.

and then we are assigned one

(social security)

and then we are taught

1-2-3 4-5-6-7-8-9 ten



then again


social security #


a bank account #

(with a pin)

punching in?

what's your number?

punching out?

they say

your numbers up!

PS: thank bejesus

there are few numbers on your gravestone


died: ?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

a Friend called

"who dares?"

do you know alan watts?

Darma introduced me to him when i was 14

"this is it!"

you are so much like him

you look and sound like him-do  you know?

i do now

thanx my friend...

Alan Watts - Inception

If you are not being born

you are dying

(robert zimmerman)

PS: Goodbye Aunt 4-H

R.I.P. Margie


life goes on...

Sunday, March 3, 2013


(lionel ritchie)

PS: can you spell "sequestration?"

i kant

moving forward...