Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Neither manning (nor snowden)

have aided and abetted

the enemy.


i don't think we have learned a darn thing


"the cover of the rolling stone"

other than

changing our expectations

PS: thanx for the editorial

(you know who you are)


Sunday, July 28, 2013




Damon Runyon

DJ homers on his first pitch

and fonzie goes 4 for  5 including the game winner...

(Oh to be "old" and a yankee)


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Al Stewart- Lord Grenville


(i have posted aboot circles before)

((ever notice? your belly button is a circle))

yet i digress, again

alfonso soriano returned to the pinstriped line-up tonight

he was traded for a-fraud.

in his rookie year-he finished 3rd in voting for ROY

who finished ahead?




PS: circles

as the earth orbits the sun...

we live and die and in between we try to have fun


loving it!  :)

PSS: i read today that vernon  wells gave up his #12

saying-"fonzie has worn that number his whole career"

point of fact

when soriano hit his 1st home run-he wore #58

his rookie year?


i know i am nitpicking

but those whom know me

expect me to...

(why change horses at midstream?)


Sat down at the bar and ordered a beer.

The barkeep said "we don't serve your kind"

He  exited.

Took out a knife

Played with his end

wrapped himself within

and went back in...

"a beer please"

"aren't you that rope i just threw out?"


"i am a frayed knot"

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The affordable health care act

"what's  that?"


"obama care" (even He does not mind)

oh that- i'm against that-we will turn into europe or canada or worse...


why should you be subsidized at an age certain but be left to your own prior?

(but, not really-there are emergency rooms)

((as a society, maybe we should question this-anton scalia))

the house has now voted  (what?) 39 times to overturn!

People, people, people

got car insurance? why?

to fix your car?

(i don't think that's why the law was enacted)

why not medicare for all?

purchase a supplement plan to cover expenses not covered (or don't)


drink tea (i am told black is now  better than green-for medicinal purposes)

(pinkey's up)

and pray to your fairy god...

PS: no pre-existent conditions

no term-time limits

parents can protect their kids until they can stand on their own 2 feet

everyone shares the cost-and the protection

good god- fairy almighty...

PS: jesus was a healer

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

and still-1 more thing

i called dominos today

i would like a pizza delivered.

wrong store. we do not deliver in your area.

what store does?

go on line. (click)

another store-ring ring

wrong store

who does?

dunno (click)

another store-

do you deliver to my address?


what his your home phone number?

no offense-but this is july 2013-who has a home phone?
i have a cell

well- for the protection of our drivers...

you've got to be shitting me!

i live in lillywhite and it's 2:15 in the afternoon!

hold on...

(to what)

o.k. but i can't promise 30 minutes or less

i hope the detroit tigers do not make the playoffs-

now- have your driver phone me just before he arrives...

(he didn't-but he blew his horn loud enough to raise the dead)

PS:pizza  pizza

(sorry-that's little ceasers)

we are now a service centered economy?

more fool me...

PSS: next time i'll have a chinaman pedal potstickers...:}

and another thing...

emile griffith died today. Who?

he was the middleweight champion of the boxing world.

at the weigh in at his title fight with benny paret-his opponent called him a "maragoon"

the new york times reported that meant "unmanly"

the following day paret

took blows to the head that ended his life.

Yes. mr. griffith was gay.  we've come a long way...

in other news ryan braun almost mea culpa'd

hey a-fraud

your move

PS:check mate

PSS: i am glad i kept my alphonso soriano bobble-head doll

sounds like he is coming home

Monday, July 22, 2013


chris mathews

"mr sykes- how do you tell the 3rd to the throne your sole purpose in life is to procreate?"

"chris- that is the responsibility of all mankind- if not we'd go extinct"

PS: seems i've missed a calling

PSS: the queen mother and prince charles are "overjoyed"

as opposed to what?

"under whelmed"

PSS: what passes for news in this country!

"god save the queen"

if you must...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Two Thumbs Up

"What's Cooking?"

meet 4 very different families celebrate  thanksgiving

(or are they?)

streaming on net  flix

PS: take an hour and a half...

Thursday, July 18, 2013


metta world peace

instigated the greatest brawl in american sports history

(terry O' is a canuck)

no wonder i  can't write fiction...

yours truly,

{dear diary}

truth is stranger than fiction

(tho' some will attest that i am strange)


1. unusual, extraordinary or curious. odd; queer

2. out of one's natural environment

3. situated, belonging

4. outside of one's previous experience

PS: we are all strangers to ourselves

(if, not each other...)


Thursday, July 11, 2013


" swung on and hit deep into left-field"

it is high it is far

lyle hit it a mile...

"i lyle lovett "

PS: go away-please

(and take suze with you)

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Another aside

(these are the things i think of when i contemplate my navel...

why are foul poles yellow?

they are all, uniformly "yellow"  (chris martin)


PS: as contrasts to help the human eye-

   there are many color schemes more suited to the task.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

And, no


(stop notifications)


i do not know these people

do you?

(i'm sorry- no wonder the IPO went so poorly)

And, Oh...

All of this comes via my very stationary device.

(and keeping it that way)

PS: by the by

i sit often at this pad with a dictionary

webster's, american college, the devil's...

looked up "stationary"
is it?

or is it "stationery" in this context?


n. 1. writing paper

2. writing materials, as pens,pencils, paper, etc.


is blog spot.com

my stationery

at my stationary?

PS: yes-sometimes i sit and think i do need to get a life

but most times?

i just sit...

(ponder my naval)

or is it navel?


where's my dictionary?


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Polls express that americans like snowden's reveals...

(the govt is spying on us)


want him tried and convicted

a conflicted bunch, aren't we?