Sunday, April 24, 2011


The pastor of a church on san padre island died and his young assistant was asked to take charge.

The bishop said-i am sending 3 seminarians from mexico-pick one to assist you.

As they gathered the young priest said-i will ask 1 question and whomever gives the best answer
gets the job.

Explain the tradition of easter in america.

jose-you go first.

that's when santa claus brings presents to all the children.

no-jose, that's christmas

pepe-you're next

that's when the pilgrims and indians cook a big fat goose and break bread

no pepe, that's thanksgiving.

juan-tell me the tradition of easter in america

that's when jesus christ dies on the cross and they put him inside a hole in a mountain and roll
a big rock in front. 3 days later they roll the rock away and jesus emerges...

and if he sees his shadow

there is 6 more weeks of winter.

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