Saturday, May 28, 2011


i am fascinated with names.

tis' said if you have 2 firsts-good luck will come

(i'm lucky)

if you are recognized by 1 name-all the better


hockey has had some names.

larry playfair (great) but as his coach i might not have wanted to send him on the ice against

lindsey ruff or bart crashley

baseball had a birdie (tebbets) but shouldn't he have been a golfer?
and a swisher (nick and dad steve)
shouldn't they have played hoops?

football had a homer. (go figure)
shouldn't he have been called "touchdown" jones

everyday people (sly stone) have great names

i asked a co-worker
"did someone give you your name or did you steal it-rob"
another complained about being stuck inside on a beautiful day
"you want to be among the leaves-don't you russell"

another is named star
(must have been tough growing up with those parental expectations)
"do you have brothers and sisters?"
1 of each-both younger
"what are their names, mediocre and also-ran?"

another is sunshine littlecreek

how do you get a name like that?

we are named by the chief
he eats peyote buttons and smokes peace pipe

when he comes out of his delirium the 1st thing he sees forms our name

she has 2 brothers...

bear- shits- in- woods


ass-sniffing- dog

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