Friday, August 31, 2012

The Eagles - Get over it

i remember


coming home from kindergarden

(kindergarden for christ all sakes)

mom-we are going in to dr. lamana's  office and contest

"show and tell"

it was the boy's turn- yet miss cohen let a girl "show and tell"

because she was unprepared yesterday.


i have been (maybe)

((i stress "maybe")

so caught up in "unfairness"

life can be unfair-pablo

"get over it"

PS: 45 years so odd later-and still-i try...


i have said my peace


i have responded (in kind)

to most of your facebook notifications

(i have not been to my own facebook page in months)

what does it look like?


it looks like me

(i retain my sense of humour)

always and 4-ever

your kindred spirit


hasta manana


buneos nachos

PS: no really

heavy on the cheese

say "provolone"

to the cameras eye...


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bowie getting tired of being asked if he is bisexual.

David Bowie - My Death 1995 (unreleased version)

the system of dr, tarr & professor feather

(edgar allan poe)

do what you need to make you feel better

do what you need...

to make you feel.

the best lack all conviction

and the worst

are filled with a passion and an intensity


(go figure)

where i am


PS: book-strong

Thanx Dar-Ma


BIG :)

PS: focus off (it is and has never been aboot' me)

How's the "kids"?

i hope the kids are alright

(peter townsend)

google at your own delight...

love you, my brethren


an abbreviated poem

still coming

still a work in progress

(aren't we all)

ever becoming...

your loving brother, son, friend


just plain paul

love you



time to speak

(vent-rant and rave)

i am a stubborn stephan

(ever met my dad or my oldest brother?)

((i am and remain forever in their debt))

a couple of years ago i awoke with a dead hand.

"the goddamn broken door in the work place caused this"

i want into the workers compensation program.

i got in (with a little help from my friend)

"park bench syndrome" said dr. nuero

"no" a broken door which re-injured a previously broken hand

i want to see an orthopedic.

"no" said workers compensation.

m.r.i. (yadda yadda yadda)

i got a letter thru the U.S. mail (sorry ron paul)

results: negative

what gives?

2 other possibilities:

exposure to a neuro-toxin or

an auto-immune disease.

"let's try again"

do you know the definition of insanity?

it is doing the same thing over and over(joe walsh)


(sing along now)

expecting different results.

i got a call. dr. neuros girl friday

(they know how to work these things-he said)

((did you know that any test prescribed under worker's compensation law under $900

cannot be contested?))

how much is this going to cost to retest?


((go figure))

what are you looking for?


what caused your hand to die!

you are looking for an auto-immune disease

of course- i am a neurologist

but- work could not have caused that-certainly not at my work

i cannot and will not allow a government program diagnose me when we both know they
should not foot the bill.

((live your beliefs or no one will believe you))

{the gospel according to...}

{{they called my dad "the mayor" a co-worker said-you should run for office}}

made me laugh

i can't

too many skeletons-plus

i am forced to tell the truth by some compelling entity that most office seekers seem not to have

((you can't handle the truth))

you know-you want me on that wall

i digress

(always and forever)

if i allow further testing it will be done at my own expense and my insurance

(yes- i pay for health insurance and i did not need a mandate to "carry my weight")

what are we looking for?




etc etc

what is the therapy?

injectable steroids for the rest of your life

no thanks

do you want piece of mind

i am at peace...

am i certain of any thing?

death and taxes (B. Frank)


my death waits (jacques brel)

PS: i am going to out-live you all

(well- maybe 'cept elizabeth-seen the statistics?)

PSS: Lies- Damn Lies and Statistics(sam clemens)

godspeed to all


"doant worry- be happy" (bobby mcferrin)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

i doant know

when i ever get  on

(or why)

in the old

cybre-space game...

(how do you spell "cybr"?


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

an abbreviated poem

( a work in progress)

coming soon to a  blog near you

abbreviate :  to cut short

PS: you'll get it...

(or i will)


(there's a hint...)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

i think

{therefore i may be wrong}

i think most folks are afraid to confront

degreed persons

fuck that doc

what's wrong with me?

(i'll elaborate later)....

thanx Dar-Ma

"don't worry- be happy"

Tis said

as men age

they lose their hair

not true


some leaves the head


other grows in places not expected

(like ears and nose)

PS:hand me those scissors...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

i bought a new bike


The last one crapped out on me on Wednesday.

tread bared tires.

no wonder- i've been pedaling this one for more than 2 years.


(a walmart special)

went back to walmart.

same make


made in same place


PS: i hope the difference is because of the demands of the chinese worker...

PSS: as i waited in the queue

on the shelf

2012 topps complete card set


(i could not resist)

went thru last night

"got'em got'em- need him"

143 new players to add to my team sets...


((i swear i am a kid at heart))

but no topps gum


at least inject the aroma...

((i am gonna put "doubles" in my tire spokes in my new bike)

ha ha ha.....

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No One

No one i know has ever referred to derek jeter

as the


shortstop  of the new york yankees

stop calling president obama the first "black" president

it is offensive and devisive

PS: His Mother was every "white" as mine...

America, America

(and those spacious skies)

we have 6% of the world's population

95% of it's obesity

how does one convert that into an understandable equation ?

i dunno

we are 27th in math

(stephen colbert)