Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New York Jungle I (The Jungle Line - H. Hancock & L. Cohen)

i think


presidential elections should be a game show.

not unlike american idol

call it

american executive in charge

mitt's "america the beautiful"


obama's "night at the apollo"

PS: simon

(call me)...


51 degrees today in new york

on 1/31/12

- 23 in fairbanks

(as has been the norm this winter)

global warming? climate change?

i dunno


god aint a sarah palin fan...


the S & P has finished 4% or better in january

the year end result was double digit growth...

PS: is history a factor?

no 9-7 team has ever won the super bowl

i repeat

does history matter?...


(source) usa today.

because of droughts in the cattle farming community areas


an explosion of 21% increase in exports

red meat prices are certain to rise...

PS: what is good for your country may not be good for you and your pocket-book

think outside yourself

change your dietary habits

the cow is a cash animal...

promote "sell" abroad

discourage consumption at home.

PS: turkey substitutes well

at 1/2 the price

PSS: what's more american than the turkey?

apple pie? chevrolet? fried cheesecake?

the answer:

type 2 diabetes

(not suggesting that type 2 is caused by the consumption of the cow-quite the contrary

but-we should be a nation that utilizes its' resources globally...

Leonard Cohen & U2 : Tower Of Song

PS: god bless you mr. cohen

Leonard Cohen - Sound Of Silence

Leonard Cohen - Show Me The Place [2011]

Leonard Cohen - Going Home (Old Ideas 2012)

Leonard Cohen - The Darkness (Old Ideas 2012)

Listen Up: Leonard Cohen, Gotye, Ruth Foster – USATODAY.com

Listen Up: Leonard Cohen, Gotye, Ruth Foster – USATODAY.com

PS: mr cohen returns with "old ideas"

Monday, January 30, 2012

i watch

4 shows religiously

the colbert report

charlie rose



charles osgood

PS: did you see sunday morn- a promo for leonard cohen's new cd "old ideas"?

PSS: at least i am the "target audience" 25% of the time


i try to paint pictures with words...


i fail

PS: i will not give up

Byron Dorgan on Making Banks Play by the Rules | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com

Byron Dorgan on Making Banks Play by the Rules | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Greenday - Are We The Waiting [Lyrics]

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For / U2

PS: we are the waiting...


is your children



you do not

possess them.

bodisatva (pabloshouse)

PS: ever-becoming...

Monday, January 23, 2012


Once on a journey the Zen master zenko happened to see a ruined temple that he thought should be restored.

Completely without material resources of his own, zenko wrote a large sign saying,

"This month on such and such a day the pilgrim Zen master zenko will perform a self cremation.
Let those who will donate money for firewood come watch"

Now zenko posted this sign here and there. Soon the local people were agog, and donations began pouring in.

On the appointed day people jammed the temple, awaiting for the lighting of the fire.

zenko sat in the firewood, preparing to immolate himself. he called for the fuel to be ignited at his signal.

Now zenko went into silent meditation. A long time passed. All of a sudden he looked up to the sky and nodded.

Then he addressed the crowd, saying:

"Listen. there are voices in the clouds. Just as i was about to enter into extinction' the saints all said,

'its too early for you to think of leaving this defiled world;

Put up with this world for awhile, and stay here to save living beings.'

"So, i can't go on with the cremation today"

Then he took the money that had been donated and was able to restore the abandoned temple with it.

PS: the "little book of zen"

PSS: (venture capitalism ?)

( preying on the weak?)

( philanthropy? )

connect your own dots...


Friday, January 20, 2012


has postponed a bill

(pabloshouse) lives another day

PS: Something aboot I.P.

i can hear the argument at the supreme court

see next season-on C-Span


You can't go home again.


you can visit the ball fields of your youth and
kids are still at play on the diamonds of their dreams...

you can walk the sands of your childhood beach and
at the crest of the wave the children still scream

lovers still meet on the hill at long beach
at the pulpit at sts. phillip and james
the pastor does still preach

the bull still stands at the fork in the road

(tho' 516 is no longer the area code)

stripers still school at the mouth of the river.

sometimes as i walk among the ghosts

my heart's a quiver...

Thursday, January 19, 2012


that i thought i knew

have led me to questions

i never asked

PS: ever-becoming...


( i am not going to call this "another aside")

an aside is either:

a writer's chance to explain himself


an actors chance to inform the audience aboot the other characters in his life of their ignorance.

it's a zero net sum game.

the texas rangers spent $52 million in posting fees for the rights to Yu Darvish

they signed him to a $60 million 6 year contract.

do the math.

no problema-free markets work!

but, (peter gammons)

we have a " tax" in baseball of going over what? $189 mlilion in payroll-then you share

(income redistribution?))

{there's that metaphor again}

take the $112 mil

spread it out over the 6 years

and declare it as payroll

to texas

and everyone else in the leagues.

PS: just opinin' from the catbird seat

i am your witness...

not your mutineer.

(warren zevon)


(not ha ha)

we were reprimanded for having the highest instant coupon redemption

in the district

(even (or especially so) that our sales are fair to middlin'

"yo, stop right there

you are piddlin' in the wind. we will stop instant couponing per company practice long established before you put on that tie when:

you establish new guidelines


you instruct cash collectors how to deal with people ripping off the system."

(yes, i am flipping over the tables of the money changers)

((as once i was taught))...


(just a few days after "talk softly and carry a walking stick")

PS: shining on

always and forever more...

always becoming

(as are we all)...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012





To DarMa for this tool kit


a young sacred heart

who navigated me to blog spot dot com

PS: i am a little tea pot

this is my spout....


The huffington post is on (pabloshouse)

"tower of blog"

PS: like virginia slims...

i've come a long way, baby

ha ha ha

(me makes myself laugh)

Jethro Tull - Life's A Long Song, 1971 - The Minstrel Looks Back 2-DVD

PS: sing along- life's a long song


Snow Patrol - Isolation


Happy chinese new year

"the year of the dragon"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963

i was born

to "rock your boat"

i am your witness...

(warren zevon)

David Bowie Outside Pt 1/3

PS: parts 2 and 3 are available thru links-

if you are so inspired

i had a dream today

mine eyes have seen the glory...


(small but mighty)

As you approach college...

Keep your feet on the ground


keep reaching for the stars...

(kasey kasem)

love you- alexander julian

(dance the salsa,mi amigo....

Life is Good



tim tebow broncos loss christianity god football patriots religion – USATODAY.com

tim tebow broncos loss christianity god football patriots religion – USATODAY.com

PS: god must be a patriots fan

{ i kneel and pose}

john- 3:16 ?

PSS: i prefer mark bavaro's

(quiet confidence)

the motto of my polish founding brothers at beta pi sigma

duquesne university

PSS: i have been out of school for 31 years now...

another brick in the wall.

Stephen Colbert launches attack ad against Mitt Romney

Stephen Colbert launches attack ad against Mitt Romney

PS: the political cartoonist of the televised age

i have been a card carrying member of "colbert nation"

since "harvey birdman-attorney at law"

(see the cartoon channel)

Occupy the Dream: The Mathematics of Racism (DETAILS) | Global Grind

Occupy the Dream: The Mathematics of Racism (DETAILS) | Global Grind

PS: and that's a fact.

Happy Martin Luther King Day

(not you, south of the mason-dixon)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


And let' s win there

happy face


(it aint over till its over yogi) ((go giants go giants...))

southwest airlines- no bag fees.
instead of x-raying our unspeakables-how aboot pay what you weigh
weigh us and our baggage

so much per pound
(we sell meat and cheese that way)

Pay what you weigh

(carry your own weight)

PS:this is one of those moments when people laugh


i am being serious

(the gospel according too...)

gotta go

2nd half

gotta see a bunch of white guys try to protect the manager from an angry mob of nons

(sport-the metaphor for life as we misunderstand it)

see you in san francisco...

{wishful hopeful forward wishing...



Saturday, January 14, 2012


Finally. To rear his ugly, cold breath.

i was prepared.

news & weather channel 12

streaming radar

i repeat

i was prepared...

hand-warmers (from MOM)

a face-mask and a gel seat from (LES)

gortex from (DaDoo)

a hoodie and gloves from (Queen Elizabeth)

i approached the day...

(darn i wish i still had the sweater that NANA knited)

i was warm as i i got on the wheels

wrapped in the LOVE of my family.

PS: Thank You



much love to all


PSS: and my bike is lit up like a christmas tree

(i presume that some folk find me "odd")

ha ha

(and loving it...)



i encountered a person today with her 4 children along. 16 thru 7 or 8
(i am bad aboot guessing ages- i have little experience)

After much deliberation over product choice and consternation to kids to "knock it off"

(they were -knocking all the signs off their stands)

:( (frowns me)

Mom- ripped 4 instant coupons off the packages and proceeded to the check-out.

(i carry a walking stick)

{My own MOM may want to stop reading right now- i ask Her to read on}

{{as i write on}}

i approached the center "podium" where the "front end dept. head" presides.

"what's up?"

"the people behind you 2nd in line are ripping off coupons"

his steel pierced raised eyebrows convinced me to take matters into my own hands.

(are they really? our own hands! aren't we a product of our experiences?

when in doubt i think-"what would POPA do?")

she handed the cashier 4 coupons as she placed her purchases on the belt.

i entered from the exit side.

(i spoke softly)

"i do not want to shame you in front of your children. Let's play a game of "match up the coupons"

"this one goes here and this one goes there-where do these two go?"

"i was going to apply them to the hamburgers"

"but, they were attached to others
of which you know you removed"

(i repeat, i spoke softly)

to the oldest-she said

"go get the other burgers"

to me-she said

"i'm sorry"

"me too


you are supposed to be an example

for your kids"

PS: talk softly and carry a walking stick

PSS: (Thank you alexander t. nelson)

PSSS: ever becoming (DarMa)


Friday, January 13, 2012

aren't i funny?

trying to bring levity

into this world...

(c plus going on b minus)

ha ha

i'll keep trying)

PS: i know

i have been non-communicative thru e-mail and cell these last few days

besides work, sports, and charlie rose i have been engaged

in meditation...

(damn that ryan-He got me Thinking....)

ha ha

(love you)

val sent me his favorite yogi last month


he asked his fellows

"please do not die these next few days as we go thru our annual meditation period."

"that will so interrupt the schedule"

PS: a monk with a sense of humour

(remember fr. keane)

st. patrick's

sermon's delivered

with the humour of a present day

stephen colbert

PS: worth the price tossed into the collection plate

Thursday, January 12, 2012


(mr cobain)

i will return from the metaphysical world


after this...

PS: no, not a word from our sponsors, mr. hitchcock


Before he went to live in the mountains, Zen master Ranryo traveled throughout the four quarters, making no distinction between court and countryside,city and village,not avoiding even wineshops and brothels.

When someone asked him why he acted this way, the Zen master said,

"my way is right there,wherever i happen to be. There is no gap at all."

Later,Renryo went into the mountains, where he built a simple hut and lived a life of frugal austerity as he continued to work on Zen.

Especially fond of night rain, Ranryo would burn incense and sit up on rainy nights, even until dawn. The people of the mountain villages, not knowing his name, named him "the Night Rain Monk" This amused him, so he began to use Night Rain as his literary name.

Once a visitor asked about the relative merits of Zen meditation and the Pure Land Buddhist practice of Buddha remembrance, reciting the name of the Buddha of Infinite Light. Ranyro gave his answer in verse:

Zen meditation and Buddha-remembrance
are like two mountains
Higher and lower potentials
divide a single world
When they arrive, all alike
see the moon upon the peak,
only pity those who have no faith
and suffer over the climb.

PS: a Zen Anecdote

from 'the little book of Zen"





Wednesday, January 11, 2012


now costs 11 cents to produce

maybe it is better to borrow from china than to print money, ben bernancke

(erin burnet)


we should only talk of tax policy in quiet rooms?

see ya mr. smug

PS: you and your sacred briefs...


from south carolina

huntsman is at 4%

1% behind

stephen colbert

PS: you can't make this shit up

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Coldplay Politik Live 2003 DVD

Leonard Cohen - The Partisan

PS: his new album is due later this year

"old songs"

by a 77 year old

"god bless you mr cohen"

Jethro Tull Hymn 43 1977


"i have bad news and worse"

"the bad news is you have 24 hours to live"

"the "bad" news? what could be worse?"

"i have been trying to reach you since yesterday"

(deepak) via dylan ratigan

(hope you watch)

let's take our country back....


The great path has no gates,
thousands of roads enter it.

When one passes through this gateless gate

he walks freely between heaven and earth


i feel attached to this world

where we only come to die

(natsume soseki)

PS: from "the little book of zen"



PSS: Love You. DarMa

Bodhisattva - Steely Dan live! 12 August 2006. (2/18)

PS: a buddha becoming...


Monday, January 9, 2012

ADELE - 'Make You Feel My Love'

PS: penned by robert zimmerman

i was watching CSpan

(as often as i can do i)

{didya know CSPAN is funded by the federal government and the cable entities? betcha didn't}

a call in show with former gov. and senator judd gregg

the angst of the callers...

no matter, not the purnt

a gingrich town hall came on as i was easily distracted

and i grabbed the remote and pushed the down arrow and got:


PS: irony presents itself daily

you must remain receptive...

i saw my friend

the other evening,

had not seen in awhile.

i exclaimed (upon 1st sight)



(he returned)

"i look like you"

PS: classic

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Stony Brook

(you know who you are)

for breaking bread...




(monty pythons flying circus?)


(i digressed again)

how come

it's a penny for your thoughts yet everyone needs to put their 2 cents in?

{somebody's making a penny}

i offer my 2 cents:

the only person presidential on the stage with mr. gregory last night?

mr. huntsman


(i've seen it all before)

And we pray to our lord, who we know is american

he reigns from on high and he speaks to us through middlemen

and he shepherds his flock we sing out and we praise his name

he supports us in war and he presides over football games...

frail grasp on the big picture

nobody's calling them for roughing up the kicker

heaven help us

all waiting for that miracle elixir

(don henley)

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Last week the giants beat rob

the week before rex

earlier they beat fitzpatrick


they meet matt

PS: ever since buddy punched kevin-all those years ago

seems as tho' gilbride swore to never let a ryan beat him again...

Thursday, January 5, 2012


i no think he come back

till next year...

PS: as a free agent

PSS: aren't you and i "free agents"

{always and evermore}



Wednesday, January 4, 2012


did you hear? a couple of "hospitable" mormon brothers

gave mitt a half mil a piece.

to beat santorum by 8 votes

and dr. paul by what? 3.2%

((either one would lose in a weak slide))


obama in 2012

with a poor total % -barley (if you peas) enough to win the electoral college


(idaho-i'm small potatoes)

a third party turnout

voter apathy

i'd rather vote "other"

take your pick

PS: i have no hope that any of these men and women can solve our problems...

look for hillary to replace biden on the ticket-particularly if the economy isn't better by july

(i never lie)

((abe lincoln))

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


(someone is always asking)

{think it comes from my age and station}

Someone asked

What is zen?


chop wood and carry water

Monday, January 2, 2012


What do jet fans eagles fans and cowboys fans share?

they'll all be watching the giants in the playoffs

PS: not i

i will be working

i don't want to see michael turner run all over big blue

Sunday, January 1, 2012

come schmooze

do the salsa.

go giants,,,


(hank williams jr.)

i asked hank williams- how lonely does it get?
hank williams hasn't answered yet
but i hear him coughing all night long
100 floors above me

in the tower of song...

(leonard cohen)

PS: go giants, go giants, go giants...


that's the # of postings on my blog.

that # does not include anything removed, deleted or saved as draft

(there is another couple of hundred of those)

and yes

obsessive, compulsive people often bother me

PS: i said a long time ago, and have tried (in vain to relieve):

if you ever met yourself

you probably wouldn't be friends...

U2 - New Years Day

PS: Hi Ho i owe

it's off to work i go...

(nothing changes)

on new years day


Together costs $1.10

The bat costs $1 more than the ball.

How much does the ball cost?

PS: i await your answer

g-mail or blog comment

(don't think too fast)