Monday, May 2, 2011


he's dead. finally. (is there any other death?)

sleep is like a temporary death (r. zimmerman)

osama bin laden.

aramaic for "fish food"

who knew

(buried at sea as per islamic law)

PS: anyone feel any different or safer today?

PSS:also, said quadafi is dead

chalk 2-up for the good guys


  1. I find it hard to believe that the Pakistani government was unaware of Bin Laden's location. He wasn't hidden in a cave off in the wilds of Pakistan, but openly in a city within range of a military facility.
    And we have been giving that government how many millions of dollars in domestic and military aid....sigh...and we'll probably continue to pay out.
    No, I don't feel any safer, just more and more like I am being "had".
    Better check on that Islamic law...I don't think it requires burial at sea, just burial within 24 hours of death. And in just which country's soil would you inter him.

  2. BILLIONS! mom. they knew where he was. that's why, this time, we went in alone and secretly...

    prop up india-to a degree

    fuck (pardon my french) pakistan ?

    they are not our friends....mostly
