Sunday, June 9, 2013

Beef Stew


a Mad Chef:

Disarm a yam-cut into rube cubes(with malice)

cut the eyes out of a potato-blindly cut into similar shape

Ravage 2 carrots and 2 parsnips-rudely and crudely

Vehemently pour 1 can of beef gravy and 1 can of vegetable consomme(with impunity)

into a dutch oven-place into a fire set on just enough degrees to scorch you but not enough to kill you.

(toil in liquid my friends)

Violently saute 2 lbs. cubed cow (taken from his mother-reluctantly)


waterboard for 2 hours.

drink wine for 1 hour

add 1 leek (i like leaks-wiki)

chopped basil and tumeric

turn off the heat.

cook egg noodles on the stove.

place all in  the frig for tomorrow

(leftovers) (possum innards-always better the next day-jed clampett)

i am no longer hungry...

PS: manana i will explain how to harass breakfast

(the mad chef)

PSS: it will begin by the beating of an egg...

(shell shock)

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