The american federal government is collecting our interactions.
THE HORROR! (if you listen to the talking heads)
let me ask.
are you on facebook? do you e-mail? talk on a cell phone?
do you shop in a store or walk in the public square?
do you drive thru stop lights?
guess what-you are being watched.
Yes-you are subjected to perusal
(no-this is not orwell's Big Brother)
it's life and has been going on for a long time.
(the FISA Court has existed since 1978)
and no
no one is listening to your phone conversations
This is a tool-begun by the passing of the patriot act (post 911) to
protect us from bad people.
amended and extended by bi-partisans for years
(republicrats and dempublicans)
This is in violation of your civil liberty?
shut down your facebook. stop e-mailing-turn off your cell phone-put your $ under the mattress
(phone companies and banks have been mining data aboot us for years)
((and for profit-not protection))
go crawl back under your rock.you have the constitutional right to do so.
i don't think the quality of that kind of life is worth your stand...
PS: as my wise oldest brother always sez
if you are not doing anything wrong-what are you worried about?
PSS: what? me worry
(alfred e. newman)
PSS: probably aginst "mouth swabs too eh?"
go move to china
Friday, June 7, 2013
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