Sunday, February 24, 2013

yo yo

(not the player)

just saying "hello"  (lionel ritchie)

i'm back in the saddle again (aerosmith)

needed a break...

things to say

words to share....


can you say


bring it on....

hola my brethren

hope all is well...

i am doing okey-dokey



if you laugh the world laughs with you

if you cry (other than showing your humanity)

the world laughs at you...

godspeed (you all)

PS: i asked the woman behind the counter at the bookstore

"can you direct me to the self-help section?"

"yes-but that would defeat the purpose"

(stephen wright)

PSS:much more to follow

(i have been busy-working and writing...)

with much love

pablito the zookeeper

(do not lol)

be kind to oneanother

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