Sunday, May 4, 2014

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired

i remember

when A-Fraud said he would de-value his contract to join the Red sox the players union stepped in and said : "Oh no you won't"

the player's association prevailed. a collective bargaining agreement has legal precedent

i have demanded mine

i have tenure

you cannot work another part-time employee in the department more than i

(there i said it)

give me back my hours or there will be hell to pay...

PS: Game On

PSS: i would prefer that it did not have to come all the way down to this-but...

i did not make the FUCKING RULES

i just live by them... and so must you

Have a nice day


1 comment:

  1. Back to Kindergarten Dar-Ma-hey it's not her day for Show and Tell- Rule of Law or we all are screwed...(thanks for seeing me thru)
