Monday, November 15, 2010



is taking a break....

i leave with a ?

of all the characters of

lewis carrol's

"thru the looking glass"

who are u ?

i will not post again until all followers answer


stop following

((cancel your subscription))

easy out- no ?'s asked

i'll go 1st-

(pabloshouse) is most like

...the mad hatter

your turn...

post a blog comment

(or e-mail you coward)




  1. Dear Mad Hatter,
    I fell down the rabbit hole, went thru the looking glass, saw all the twists and turns,been lost, been found, met a lot of characters and am still learning the difference between seeming and being. The story is a metaphor for life.

  2. I don't remember the characters...You can pick one out for me. Heck it is close enough to Halloween, I can be any character. By the Way for Halloween I was Mickey Mantle. When I walked into the party someone asked me who I was, I said Mickey Mantle..They said "no not yet, you are not drunk". No respect in Wi.
    Never hear that in NY!
