Saturday, July 21, 2012

a baltimore chop

(frank deford continued)

living in new york and hating the yankees is like living in the vatican city and loathing the roman catholics:

the manager wears their # of championships on his back and promises to change when (not if) they win their next.

every team plays the national anthem before the game- the yankees suspend play during the 7th inning stretch so kate smith can sing "god bless america"

the yankee mascot. (fooled ya. Yeah, i know. the yankees don't have a mascot..they are too good for mascots. there's no crying in baseball and no laughing in yankee stadium.

so now, to honor america, let's all cheer for the boys in pinstripes.

yeah, a bronx cheer...

PS: jealousy mr. deford has reared her ugly green head...

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