Friday, July 30, 2010


i have often been troubled by others who seem not to understand:


"intelligent" people are often not "smart"

"smart" people are rarely "intelligent"

(and all points in-between)

we have as homo-sapiens a commonly working brain (forgive those with injury or a mutated gene pool) our brain has 6 levels in its cognitive domain. (he blinded me with Science-mr dolby)

i di....(i will not say it)

the 1st level-KNOWLEDGE- remembering previously learned materials (think your abc's)
the 2nd level-COMPREHENSION- grasps meaning of said materials (think from letters comes words)
the 3rd level-APPLICATION-uses said materials in new and concrete situations (think composing a letter)
the 4th level-ANALYSIS-breaks down said materials into components-sees an organized structure (think-the writer)
the 5th level-SYNTHESIS-puts said material components-together again-forms a new whole
(think 1001000100010001000100001000100--infinity)
the 6th level-EVALUATION-judges value of all said materials for a given purpose
(think franklin-think einstein think da Vinci--think billy zuendt-think frank zappa)

billy zuendt scored a perfect score on his s.a.t.
rensellear-magna cum laude
stanford-magna cum laude

he worked so hard-studied-a self made man-(ha ha)
his brain operates at the 6th level
he was born that way-he had no control
probably "wished" it away some time ago-he was socially "stunted" as i 1st remember him.
barack obama? level 5 and is not envious of the 6'ers

level 4 (as my iq score reasonably assures)

that places me in the 90th percentile

(want to know what a "percentile" is?)
go ask wolframalpha
(im way busy...)

{i was waiting for the laughter to subside...}

basically it means in real terms-that 89%
of the people you meet on the street
are hovering at or below
level 3-application

and its my ever cause
for a never ending cycle of

PS: kaopectate

PSS:ex-lax for that "get up and go" feeling

eat fiber

and wild blueberries and avacados and raw almonds and gulp fatty omega-3 with green tea
and listen to me...

PSS: its unanimous-100% of constipated people do not give a shi...

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