Monday, June 14, 2010


"The importance of being earnest"


U wonderfully engaging young folk speak of occupying one's time doing...
"what u love to do"
A beautiful sentiment-it's Joseph Campbell:
"Follow your Bliss!"
(i agree-u cannot miss)

However-the previous generation has some helpful advice that i know u won't take(now) but..
eventually-some of this might stick.
(i know your trust factor might be low-((see the Libor?))-we have mortgaged your future
thru social security-medicare & deficit-spending by borrowing from the chinese-
with your future earnings as collateral-and no mea culpa's seem to be chorusing on the horizon.

(once upon a time there were 2 chinamen-now look how many there are)

but i digress...

How many people get to do what they love-for a living?

Have a plan B
(in following your sentiment)

Find an occupation that compensates enough in renumeration & time-
to do what u love to do-

And remember-pay yourself 1st
401k-roth ira-a savings account-

do a break-even analysis of your life-figure out your bottom line cost

pay yourself
pay for your shelter
pay your utilities
(cable tv and land line computer services are NOT necessities)

what remains feeds
your belly-your heart-& your soul.

PS:The "silent generation"wasn't always silent
The "greatest generation" wasn't always great

Hey generation X
or is it Y or Z?
pick up the mantle-tell us "old folks"
u can't have it your own miserable way

its easy as A-B-C- 1-2-3 sang MJ

use well your time-be part of something good-leave something good behind-the curtain falls-
i take my bow-that's how it's meant to be-it's your world now
sings Glenn

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